Profesionālā bakalaura studiju programmas "Interjera dizains" 10 gadu jubilejas diplomprojektu katalogs


Design and layout: Agnese Zarāne
Design consultant and editor: Diāna APELE


The professional bachelor’s study programme “Interior Design” started operating in 2008 under the auspices of the Faculty of Education, Languages, and Design of Rezekne Academy of Technologies. From 2012 to 2022, 78 young interior designers graduated from the programme. The programme provides access to a professional bachelor’s degree in art and an interior designer qualification. Full-time face-to-face studies last four years. The aim of the programme is to prepare interior designers based on the theory of art, architecture, interior design, and related fields, who meet the standards of the interior designer profession and who have acquired basic professional skills in cooperation with employers, who are competent to plan and implement the creation of a functional and high-quality aesthetic spatial environment. The graduates of the programme are competitive in the labour market of Latvia and other EU countries and oriented towards lifelong learning.

The catalog of diploma projects provides an idea of the results achieved by the study programme. It summarizes 22 interior design projects developed in 2018-2022, a number of them have won the LDS Annual Design Awards. The diploma project in the “Interior Design” study programme has both a scientific research and a creative nature and confirms the diploma student’s readiness to work in the chosen profession of interior designer.


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March 28, 2024



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Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)


How to Cite

ZARĀNE, A., & APELE, A. par izdevumu: D. (2024). Profesionālā bakalaura studiju programmas "Interjera dizains" 10 gadu jubilejas diplomprojektu katalogs. Rezekne Academy of Technologies.